Local religious group calls for termination of disgraced METRO chief George Greanias

Metro chief docked over porn at work returns today - Carol Christian, Houston Chronicle

A routine audit last month of Metro employees' Internet use showed that Greanias used his personal computer in the Metro building to access adult-content sites on 14 days between Feb. 9 and July 1. There was no indication he had viewed child pornography or hired prostitutes, Metro said, although the sites included escort services.

Actually, there are strong indications that he viewed child pornography. If one visits at least two of the sites that METRO said he visited, the front pages contain highly questionable images of what appear to be underage males engaged in gay-sex acts. One can't help but conclude some journos who are covering this haven't actually taken the time to visit the sites, rendering their reporting incomplete. So sorry if it upsets their sensibilities, but this is really an instance in which they need to dig just a little deeper than "METRO said."

Metro CEO returning to work after suspension for viewing porn during work hours - Leigh Frillici, KHOU-11 News

Metro spokesperson Jerome Gray said they still have high expectations for Grenias [sic].

“We are expecting him to continue to do the great things he has been doing,” said Gray.

As opposed to the not-so-great things like viewing disturbing, possibly illegal, adolescent gay porn images using public resources?

Houston Pastors Call For Metro President's Removal - Houston Area Pastor Council

The Houston Area Pastor Council, an inter-racial, inter-denominational organization representing several hundred churches throughout greater Houston issued the following statement in response to the revelations that Metro President and CEO George Greanias used a government computer to access pornographic websites potentially involving minors:

"The appalling lack of decency, moral judgment and responsible decision making by Metropolitan Transit Authority CEO George Greanias in abusing the trust of the community by accessing pornographic materials on his government computer render him completely unfit for this position. The well known adage that who you are speaks louder than what you say, became tragically applicable with Mr. Greanias through his actions. Given that he was also very vocal in previously condemning some Metro employees who had done the same thing by stating they had "no place" at Metro*, his leadership is irreparably damaged."

"In a vital position of public trust we are far beyond the 'do what I say not what I do' methodology. It is unacceptable and further undermines the already historically low public trust of city government fraught with deception, mismanagement, arrogance and contempt for the people they are charged with serving. Even a single act of this type would be violation of both policy and public trust but the repetitive nature of Mr. Greanias' violations is clear evidence that he should not hold this position of leadership or any other with Metro."

"We believe it is the responsibility of the Metro board to do the right thing and release Mr. Greanias immediately. They should replace him with a leader who exhibits the character and integrity so vital in effective leadership. As it is their responsibility we will also hold them and Mayor Annise Parker accountable for taking that course of action. In addition, we will be requesting that the Harris County District Attorney's office review these websites and Mr. Greanias' actions to determine if violations of obscenity laws occurred. Even if his violations do not reach a level requiring prosecution, they clearly crossed the lines of decency and cannot be whitewashed by a temporary suspension."

The nature of several of the websites that George Greanias apparently visited repeatedly makes his continued employment highly problematic.

At the very least, one hopes that METRO's disgraced chief will never be allowed to attend career-day or any other events that involve children!

UPDATE: METRO's expensive blogger Mary Sit had a blog post a few years back entitled "Keeping Our Kids Safe: Stop, Look, Listen." She should probably update that post to note that METRO's disgraced chief George Greanias should be kept away from the kids. For their safety.

Posted by Kevin Whited @ 08/08/11 09:41 PM | Print |

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