Does this mean Metro's not holding a public meeting?

So, instead of actually fixing the messed up date on the public meeting notice that was actually an old press release, Metro just decided to get rid of the notice. Here's the post from the other day with the link that worked when I posted it. Try following the link. It no longer works.

That's nice. Is the public meeting cancelled? Was there ever any intention to have a public meeting? Is Metro going to blame the disappearing link on the webmaster or some other website glitch? Does Metro need more time to "study" its bus route cancellations?

Is Metro afraid some little ol' Houston bloggers were going to show up?

Here's the Chronicle's Jeff Cohen, in his own words:

My professors in journalism school at the University of Texas told us that good journalists are a voice for the voiceless. They also said we should afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted. While there have been many changes in media since then, those principles continue to motivate those of us committed to journalism as a public service.

Hey Mr. Cohen: you want to be a voice for the voiceless? You want to afflict the comfortable and comfort the afflicted? You think journalism is a public service? Then put in a call to Frank Wilson and ask him what the heck is going on in the Lee P. Brown building. Make him squirm. God knows you've stuck your neck out enough for Metro; when is Metro going to return the favor and quit making you all look like a bunch of fools? When will Metro stop acting like a spoiled child who just wants to slam the door on those who dare question it?

There are people who DEPEND on Metro buses and they are getting screwed by Metro. Not everyone lives near the Danger Train. The Danger Train can NOT help most public transit users get to work or the doctor or the market. Many, many Metro riders depend on buses. You may not think buses are very world-class, Mr. Cohen, but they are highly functional. Much more so than 7.5 miles of downtown light rail.

What was that the Chronicle said last year about sunshine in government?

Guess you all didn't really mean it, now did you?


Posted by Anne Linehan @ 01/07/06 09:20 PM | Print |

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