The things one learns in a letter to the editor
Note to self: avoid Dr. Martin Steiner:
A natural, peaceful passing
Until the introduction of a feeding tube in the late 1890s, if patients could not eat or drink, they would die.
That has been the way millions on Earth have passed on. Dying in this manner is a natural way to die.
There is nothing cruel or inhumane about dying from dehydration the way Terri Schiavo did. In fact, the building up in the body of various electrolytes produces a natural sedation and a peaceful death.
What the...? We didn't have antibiotics until the first half of the 20th century, but I'm fairly certain we don't want to go back to letting infections run amok in our bodies.
Posted by Anne Linehan @ 04/07/05 01:18 PM | Print |

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