Unca Darrell pans Chron's editorial voice (one last time)

For several weeks now, we've noticed that Unca Darrell's semi-regular critiques of the output of the Houston Chronicle's editorialists have been... missing.

This week, Unca Darrell revealed that he's retired from that sort of blogging, and why:

Why I have stopped reading the Houston Chronicle

BECAUSE I CAN no longer stomach . . .

. . . the editorial page or the local columnists.

I quit reading at the end of 2010 but waited to say anything because I wanted to write a careful and systematic indictment of the Chronicle's voice. After six weeks away, however, I no longer much wish to bother. There are better uses of time.

In the nearly 30 grafs that follow, Unca Darrell, learned gentleman that he is, couldn't quite pass up what, for most of us, would pass as a "careful and systematic indictment" of the Chronicle's editorial voice. Be sure to click over. It's a good read (and would be an even better read for Chron leadership, who probably won't be inclined to take it seriously).

Posted by Kevin Whited @ 02/18/11 07:21 AM | Print |

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