A week away, and the Chron's as bad as ever

IT'S UNFORTUNATE WHEN YOU you come back to the metro desk of a bad newspaper after not reading it carefully for a week or so and find...

(1) Brad Olson offering the following: "Council member Lovell is in her own runoff race in which the outcome is not assured for anyone, so it defies logic that she would expend campaign resources on a race other than her own,” said [Keir] Murray, who is unaffiliated with any council races this year but worked for Lovell's opponent in 2005. "The rule is, you take care of your own business before you worry about anybody else's."

As we have noted before, when a journalist must run an identifier like that, a good editor should insist that the journalist find another source. This quote is even worse since the Aiyer/Lovell race was particularly acrimonious, eventually resulting in ethics and legal charges. Sadly, "good" and "editor" seem to be mutually exclusive terms at the Chron metro desk.

(2) Carolyn Feibel offering METRO's Frank Wilson this nice PR opportunity. Give Feibel credit -- she certainly isn't imitating the Rosanna Ruiz career-limiting move of critical reporting on the world's worst, least transparent transit organization. And the Chron editorial board has that same mindset. It's too bad that pro-METRO editorial preferences override any chance of honest reporting about the transit organization in the local newspaper. But the fact they ask us to pretend they are actually "reporting" objectively on the organization these days is just offensive.

(3) Mike Snyder getting this nice upbringing from a former Chron and AP reporter:

During my years as a reporter at the Chronicle, it was standard practice to call the subject of a story before publishing information about them. Had Mike Snyder called Judge Emmett, or me (as his spokesman), we could have explained....

Just click over and read the rest (scroll down).

Snyder should now lash out as an off-record and unidentified commenter to various bloggers. That always makes things better. *eyeroll*

(4) And finally, the Chron's expensive-but-pathetic doodler* finally getting some rare attention. Sadly, we think many people are taking Nick Anderson way too seriously. Like other people who moved to Houston hoping to capture a Pulitzer for the paper that just can't win one, we wish Anderson luck when he inevitably moves on after being unable to deliver for this pathetic excuse of a big-city newspaper.

* Yeah, before a certain journo can send that "please don't quote me" email blast -- I realize he's not on the metro desk. But the content fits, no? At least it generated more interest than most of his doodling.

Posted by Kevin Whited @ 12/13/09 09:58 PM | Print |

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