MeMo riles the sisterhood on Supreme Court vacancy

Kyrie "Memo" O'Connor, the Chronicle's erratic features editor, recently offered this perspective on the Supreme Court vacancy:

If Obama appoints a woman to the Supreme Court, everyone will be happy. Two-ninths of the court will seem appropriate, even fair. Most people won't say hey, why aren't there three women, or six, or eight? all of which outcomes would actually be more fair to men than has been the history of the court since its inception.

Now, somebody -- do I see your hand raised, Matty B? -- will point out that something as important as a U.S. Supreme Court opening should go to the very best person, not the very best [fill in group here]. That it's never been handled that way -- certainly not in the past century -- won't persuade a purist. And of course if this were a perfect world the purists would be right.

But until there are eight women on the bench, I'm going to be grumpy.

We don't recall seeing any objections on MeMo's blog when diminutive Chron editor Jeff Cohen laid off the only two women on the editorial board a few weeks ago. Furthermore, we don't recall seeing any objections on MeMo's blog when Dai Huynh, the newspaper's award-winning food writer, was told not to return from maternity leave at that same time, and a male took her place.

What is that bumper-sticker phrase, "Think Globally, Act Locally?" Maybe that advice applies here.

Posted by Kevin Whited @ 05/16/09 11:50 AM | Print |

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