THAT will show us (part 2)! (updated)
A reader emailed earlier asking if we knew why the Chron removed blogHOUSTON from the "Blogs we've linked to" section on the editorial page. The reader claimed Dwight Silverman had not answered several email inquiries to that effect.
We knew the newspaper exorcised blogHOUSTON from many blogrolls, but we didn't realize they had also removed it from the "Blogs we've linked to" section (which is strange, given the fact the newspaper has linked to the blog). Sure enough, it's gone (see the screenshot below).
We still have no idea why the blogHOUSTON exorcism was suddenly such a priority for Chron higher-ups, but we did notice something funny about the editorial page screenshot: Two of the people who were laid off several weeks ago (Claudia Kolker and Veronica Bucio) are still listed as members of the Editorial Board. Doh!
The newspaper continues to have some wacky, albeit entertaining, priorities. Perhaps one day, some adults will re-evaluate.

UPDATE (04/22/09): They have removed the outdated photo of the editorial board and updated the list of members!
Glad we could help out with that, Chron folks, and glad you're still reading our little "blacklisted" blog.
How in the world did you find your way over after the big BLOGROLL EXORCISM?!
And where should we send our web consulting fee?
Posted by Kevin Whited @ 04/21/09 09:37 PM | Print |

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