Michel, Michelle, Ma Belle, who can tell the difference?

Chronicle tennis wine columnist Dale Robertson is surely having a bad week.

He led this week's column, about prominent women in the wine world, as follows:

It’s no longer unusual to meet a woman winemaker. Helen Turley raised the bar almost off the charts. Other than perhaps Michelle Rolland, there’s likely no more famous a wine consultant to be found in the world. Glass ceilings are for greenhouses, not vineyards.

There's just one little problem.... The famous wine consultant cited in the lede was Michel Rolland, very much a male. That led to this correction in today's Chronicle:

International wine consultant Michel Rolland was misidentified in a story on Page 2 of Wednesday’s Flavor section.

Yeah he was! (Because he IS a he, after all).

Sadly, the Chron didn't even blame a copy editor for the gaffe (which might have been understandable, since the Chron just fired so many of them). Apparently, the tennis wine columnist just blew it. Oops!

Posted by Kevin Whited @ 04/02/09 10:05 PM | Print |

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