Local attorney bestows special award on Jared Woodfill
Various news sources have reported an old story with a new (?) twist: Harris County GOP Jared Woodfill has called for a Harris County judge to resign over emails that apparently sparked some controversy in 2006.
We fully expect various local blogs to blockquote away on this (UPDATE: right on cue!), and maybe a few weeks from now, the Chronicle editorial board will even offer a bland, poorly written opinion.In the meantime, be sure to read attorney Mark Bennett's nicely crafted post on the matter. Rather than excerpting, we'll just say that he makes a good case for bestowing his "Asshat Lawyer of the Day" award on Jared Woodfill.
Why Woodfill is still the Harris County GOP chair is one of the area's ongoing mysteries. But we are guessing he might be in the running for bigger things in the future (say, an "Asshat Lawyer of the Month" award...)!
Posted by Kevin Whited @ 11/25/08 09:25 PM | Print |
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