Stuff we're working on...

In light of Anne Linehan's post on METRO's latest "service improvements" we thought we'd share a few things that we're contemplating for the little blog.

First, we're considering a new blog category and separate forum section to post and track citizen TXPIA requests. We started with the idea of tracking Tom Bazan's requests (which routinely result in stonewalling from METRO), but then thought we could just as easily post additional relevant requests sent by readers -- and then let the submitters keep track of their status in the forum. The Sheriff's Office is hardly the only local governmental entity that stonewalls TXPIA requests, after all.

Second, we've long had a sidebar of "Local Blog Talk" link postings, where we try to highlight local bloggers posting about purely local affairs. As blogging about local matters has grown, we've posted more and more to that sidebar. Unfortunately, there's not currently an RSS feed for it, and it's not featured as prominently as we would like. So we're contemplating just rolling those updates into the regular blog stream, with their own category and RSS feed for anyone who wants to track them separately. The posts would be along the lines of Instapundit-style one- or two-sentence linkposts.

Let us know in the forum what you think about these proposed "service improvements" -- and whether they should even be called "service improvements" (since we are not proposing cuts, that may not be the appropriate term).

Posted by Kevin Whited @ 06/02/08 08:58 AM | Print |

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