Put out an APB: HPD's productivity policy is missing (updated)

KTRK-13 reports:

Officers wrote fewer citations in 2005. That may be good for drivers, but the city needs the money generated from all those fines. Officers issued fewer tickets last year because they were busy with evacuations and hurricane victims. The new crime task force also has officers working overtime.

The city says police officers will not be told to write more tickets to make up for the financial shortfall.

PREVIOUSLY: HPD's "productivity policy" begins

UPDATE: Right now, Councilman Michael Berry is discussing HPD ticket revenue on KPRC-950 AM.

KEVIN WHITED ADDS: Berry informs that his new show will be on from 9 to 11 am weekdays on KPRC. We're looking forward to some good talk radio with a local perspective.

Posted by Anne Linehan @ 01/10/06 09:38 AM | Print |

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