Dan Patrick files for SD 7, chooses son as replacement host
Kristen Mack gives us the news that Dan Patrick (KSEV-700) has officially filed for SD 7, which means he's off the air for a while now. How long is up to the voters.
With much ballyhoo yesterday, Dan announced that his son Ryan will be taking over the afternoon mike for much of his absence, with Chris Begala filling in whenever Ryan isn't able. Dan reasons that since Ryan sounds just like him, KSEV listeners will be most pleased. He also asked listeners to baby-sit Ryan and let Dan know if Ryan gets out of line. Which means Dan won't be listening to his son? Weird.
Personally I was disappointed in Dan's choices. As substitute hosts go, I'd prefer David Benzion, Orlando Sanchez, a cameo here and there by Walt Cunningham, and Blogger Radio once a week. I'm sure Chris Begala is a nice guy, but as a radio host, he tends to put me to sleep.
The good news is that Chris Baker can rest easy. As if he weren't already (link via Banjo).
Posted by Anne Linehan @ 12/30/05 08:42 AM | Print |

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