What's your favorite thing to do in Houston?

Sedosi points us to Ken Hoffman's column today about the convention and visitors bureau efforts to promote Houston locally, including a contest:

To enter the convention and visitors bureau contest, go to www.visithoustontexas.com, click on Houston 365 and tell them, "My favorite thing to do in Houston is ... "

Each week, the Web site will feature a "prominent" Houstonian saying what he or she likes most about our city. Mayor Bill White was first up. He "loves to go biking in Memorial Park."

You never get towed on a bicycle.

Hahaha! That's funny!

After the mayor, I'm the next Houstonian on the Web site. It's really a tricky question: What's my favorite thing about Houston?

Go read the column to find out what his favorite thing is.

And let's steal Sedosi's idea:

So, this leads us to the BIG question of the day:

What is your favorite thing to do in Houston?

Mine is to play Danger Train Intersection Bingo.

It might be hard to top that one, but let's give it a try. What's your favorite thing to do in Houston?

Posted by Anne Linehan @ 05/31/05 04:46 PM | Print |

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