Councilwoman Noriega will swoon for wide, shady, pole-free sidewalks

Yesterday's Chronicle carried an op-ed by the (previously) indecisive Councilwoman Melissa Noriega, who has found something she can be decisive about: sidewalks! Not just any sidewalks, mind you. No, she wants sidewalks that are:

[...] shaded by trees, wide enough for couples to walk side by side, unobstructed with poles or signs. Wheelchair users must get through and moms with strollers shouldn't need to step into traffic. The city must set sidewalk standards and hold Metro to those standards.

How idyllic! It'd be almost Portland-ish...well, except for the weather.

Of course, she's referring to the consent agreement METRO is trying to get out of Council. By the way, apparently the committee impasse was broken, because this week's agenda item number 26 is for Council to approve the consent agreement with METRO:

26. ORDINANCE approving and authorizing contract between the City of Houston and the METROPOLITAN TRANSIT AUTHORITY OF HARRIS COUNTY (“METRO”) consenting to the construction and operation of Phase II of the Metro Solutions Plan Light Rail Project; authorizing the Public Works & Engineering Director to approve amendments to the agreement to consent to Metro’s construction of other projects approved by the voters in the 2003 Metro Solutions Election; containing various provisions relating to the subject.

Except that what METRO wants to build isn't exactly what voters approved in 2003, but that's not a concern of any local officials. There is world-classness to attain!

And shady sidewalks that are wide enough for couples to stroll side-by-side on, without the threat of walking into a pole, are just what's needed to get Councilwoman Noriega's stamp of approval.

Sorry, Kirby Drive, no op-ed for you.

Posted by Anne Linehan @ 06/08/08 07:24 AM | Print |

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