Fireworks at City Council

City Council business under Mayor White has tended to have all the excitement of paint drying, which has been quite a contrast to the last, acrimonious years of the reign of Lee P. Brown.

However, KTRH-740 just reported that we had some fireworks between Councilmember Carol Alvarado and Doctor-Councilwoman Shelley Sekula-Gibbs last week.

Apparently, Councilmember Alvarado cursed at the doctor-councilwoman last week, according to KTRH.

However, KTRH reports that it was off camera/off microphone, and thus not picked up by the recordings for the public access channel. Because we certainly wouldn't want the public to see one member of Council behaving like an ingrate!

Councilmember Alvarado told KTRH "I'm sorry if she got offended." What a nice non-apology.

So, that was a vague report. What did Councilmember Alvarado call the doctor-councilwoman?

UPDATE: Chris Baker reports that Councilmember Alvarado called the doctor-councilwoman a "bitch."

Oh my!

ANNE ADDS: This doesn't seem world-class. Or ideal.

Will Councilwoman Alvarado show some decency and REALLY apologize, or will she act as if she's the aggrieved one? A certain level of maturity is required for the former.


UPDATE (02-01-2006): KTRK-13 posts a story with less detail.

UPDATE 2 (02-01-2006): KPRC-2 also posts a story without much detail. There's still no posting on KTRH, so the account and links here are about the most complete roundup so far (not that readers of certain cityblogs that make a policy of never linking to other blogs would know).

Posted by Kevin Whited @ 01/31/06 05:11 PM | Print |

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