KTRK followup on New York Times
We hear from KTRK-13 that the station will be airing an update on the recent story by Tom Abrahams on a couple of articles from the New York Times company that put an ugly slant on Houston's relief efforts.
The update should air on the 6 pm broadcast, and the story should post to the website sometime afterwards. I have another commitment during the broadcast, so I'll be interested in hearing from commenters about the update.
UPDATE: Abrahams' "correction" is here. Still, his broader point about the tenor of the slanted coverage by the New York Times companies remains valid, as the company spokesman pretty much admits to him. They wanted to portray Houston as greedy opportunists, and so they did. And maybe if you're getting your news about Houston from national media or even from "heh, indeed" bloggers you believe them. You shouldn't.
Posted by Kevin Whited @ 09/08/05 10:35 AM | Print |

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