Was this supposed to be tongue-in-cheek?

The Chronicle's Richard Justice post about the 'Stros' physically intimidating new closer today:

If you're looking for someone to rip the new closer, you've come to the wrong place. I got my first look at Jose Valverde this morning, and I've decided to do everything I can to stay on his good side. He's 6-4, 254 pounds. He throws the ball 150 mph. He's an emotional sort.

I plan on being his friend. I'm going to be just like the TV guys, especially that one that's always blogging about all his scoops. When Valverde enters a room, I'm going to run over there with a big smile and a handshake. When he says something that's even a little bit funny, I'm going to laugh so loud you'd think he was Larry The Cable Guy.

It'll be just like Justice's past coverage of Charley Casserly!

Posted by Kevin Whited @ 02/16/08 01:47 PM | Print |

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