How did all that luggage get in a dumpster?

Talk about a strange story: A dumpster full of luggage was discovered at a pet store near Bush Intercontinental:

Airline workers are trying to match 68 pieces of stolen luggage with lost claims while police search for clues into the theft of the bags that were found in a trash container outside a pet store near George Bush Intercontinental Airport.

The bags found Tuesday were from passengers of as many as nine airlines and all appeared to have been rummaged through, said Sgt. Nate McDuell, a Houston police spokesman. Authorities have not identified any suspects or a motive. They are interviewing employees of Pet City, who reported the luggage Tuesday, and people who may have handled the luggage at the airport.

McDuell said he was not aware of a theft like this involving so many pieces of luggage.

“This is certainly out of the ordinary,” said Continental Airlines spokeswoman Mary Clark. She said she had never seen anything like this happen before.

Houston-based Continental is sorting through the baggage, Clark said, matching pieces with lost claims people filed. The bags were from international and domestic flights that were scheduled within the last week or so, she said.

Posted by Anne Linehan @ 12/27/06 06:16 PM | Print |

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